The Nigeria Cricket Organization (NCF) has delivered a crew of 14 players for the 10th KwibukaT20 Ladies’ Competition in Rwanda.

Musa Ehizoje, the league’s Public Correspondences Official (NCF), said in an explanation in Thursday that the group would withdraw the country on Friday.

On Saturday, the Nigerian crew is because of face the competition have, Rwanda, in their initial match.

The group, which will be taking part in the occasion for the third time, flaunts a crew with a strong blend of youth and experience.

Favoring Etim, the player with the most residency and experience, will act as the group’s chief, and Favor Esiegbe will act as the bad habit commander.

Other notable names incorporate Agatha Uadiale, Devotion Fortunate, Rachael Samson, and Salome Sunday.

Oseyande Omokhiobhio and Omonye Asika, who were missing from the group during the NCF Ladies’ Invitational in Spring, are back.

However, lillian Ude, a bowling sensation, won’t be in that frame of mind to school.

The competition starts on Saturday and is booked to end on June 19, with Kenya, Uganda and Botswana joining Nigeria and host Rwanda in the occasion.

The competition is in celebration of the 1994 massacre against the Tutsis in Rwanda.

By admin